Developers + Operations = DevOps

Developers + Operations = DevOps


2 min read

In the fast-paced world of technology, where seamless collaboration and rapid software development are paramount, one term has emerged as a game-changer: DevOps. You must have heard this buzzword if you are somehow related to the tech domain or aspiring to have a profession in this field. Even though most of us have heard this term but only a few of us fully understand what DevOps is all about. Let's get an overview of this term in this article.

Picture this: a team of developers and operations professionals constantly struggling, working separately, resulting in delays, issues and inefficiency. This is where DevOps comes to the rescue.

DevOps is a culture or practice that organizations approach to improve their ability to deliver applications. It's about improving delivery by automating processes, maintaining quality, monitoring and testing.

While DevOps is a combination of words between Developers and Operations. It isn't meant to leave out the other teams. Dev is traditionally understood as everyone involved in the code side, from developers to front-end designers to QA. And, Ops is traditionally understood as everyone involved on the system side which includes system admins, network admins and database admins.

But, why is it important?

DevOps is important because it helps organizations to deliver applications faster and with better quality. It plays a vital role in enabling organizations to stay competitive in this rapidly evolving tech domain.

Challenges that DevOps tries to solve

  • Miscommunication and lack of collaboration between Developers and Operations.

  • Developers want new features to be released fast whereas Operations want the updated features to be stable. DevOps tries to solve this conflict of interest.

  • Security is essential and it takes a lot of time to ensure it in different software. DevOps covers all the roadblocks that slows down the application release process. Security is, therefore, an important aspect of DevOps and often it is referred DevSecOps.

  • Automation of application testing is also ensured; indeed, DevOps tries to automate all possible manual work in the software release process.

As we come to the conclusion of this article, this was just the introduction in the vast landscape of DevOps. I will be covering more topics and tools involved in the DevOps process in the upcoming blogs. So, stay tuned for more such discussions.